Monday, May 1, 2017

SAGITTARIUS Gemstone TURQUOISE with `Emerald` May’s Birthstone Horoscope & Astrology Angels Alchemy

How Sagittarius Zodiac Gemstone Turquoise Interacts with MAY BIRTHSTONE `Emerald` Horoscope Astrology Angels Alchemy Course

Sagittarius, The Archer: Water Angel of Fire Realm

Psychic Astrology by Pastor Rosemary

In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Sagittarius - The Archer
Fire Archangel Michael
Zodiac Angel Adnakhiel

This is for you Sagittarius!

May is the month of the angelic frequencies of the gemstone Emerald. Your birthstone is Turquoise Sagittarius, so what we need to do is see how these two gemstones resonate with each other.
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us! To contact me visit where we provide you with information on our spiritual consultations, psychic astrology, Rosicrucian kabbalah, as well as classes, and upcoming seminars!
May’s gemstone of Emerald has the light emanations of the Astrology Archangel Asmodel and your Zodiac Sign birth gemstone of Turquoise has the properties of light bestowed by the Zodiac Archangel Adnakhiel.
Your ruling planet is Jupiter, Sagittarius. Topaz, Yellow Jade, Chrysoberyl, and Yellow Sapphire are the precious stones used to align one’s self with the energies of the Planetary Angel Zadkiel who is assigned to the planet Jupiter in Kabbalah also called Sachiel being Hesediel or Zadakiel since these names and resulting slightly varying angels corresponding to Jupiter apply attenuated levels of bestowal, compassion, wealth, and health so be mindful of your own intentions and potency when utilizing these powerful gemstones in unison with each other.
The planet Jupiter is associated in Kabbalah with the sephira of Chesed where we find the Planetary Archangel Zadakiel, Hesediel, or Sachiel.
Kabbalah teaches us that this sephira and Archangel Zadakiel is associated with both mercy and memory. Zadakiel is known as the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. He is sometimes identified as the “angel of the Lord” in Genesis Chapter 22:11-12 (DRB) And behold an angel of the Lord from heaven called to him, saying: Abraham, Abraham. And he answered: Here I am. And he said to him: Lay not thy hand upon the boy, neither do thou any thing to him: now I know that thou fearest God, and hast not spared thy only begotten son for my sake.
Jupiter is known as the attribute of GOD THE FATHER found in Isaiah 63:16 (DRB) For thou art our father, and Abraham hath not known us, and Israel hath been ignorant of us: thou, O Lord, art our father, our redeemer, from everlasting is thy name.
Your FIRE Guardian Archangel Michael speaks through too you from your Sagittarius Astrology Archangel Adnakhiel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Sagittarius Zodiac Angel Adnakhiel who resides over The Archer’s Mutable Fire and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Adnakhiel’s Love, Rapture, and Romance Transmission:
The blue angelic light frequencies of Adnakhiel combined with revitalizing therapeutic prevalence glistening forth from refreshingly profound healing resonating sparkles generated from the gemstone of Emerald invigorates your love life through good fortune granted by May’s Venusian Angelic realms in the course of this birthstone’s abundant spiritual gifts. Enchantments of an exact permutation of Zodiac Angel Asmodel’s natural Second House attributes in addition to your own Sagittarius energies bestows to you plentiful substance of legitimate accumulation of properties, creature comforts, and healthy income sources with the traditional zodiac sign of Taurus for the reason that of amiable dazzling and lucid enlightening shafts of light that flicker and glint coming from a gem which gives magical knowledge for the owner of such a gemstone through incentives of the Heart Chakra, thus engendering immense delight in past, present, and future visions during ultra dimensional messages made comprehensible through curative meditations within the Throat, again focusing on the Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras. The sephiroth of Lunar sexuality within Yesode, Venusian beauty and desire in Netzach, and even the passion of Martial Geburah offer sources of dimensional magickal currents for Love Magick.
Adnakhiel‘s Money and Wealth Transmission:
Trade and industry matters point to a call for astute monetary transactions, even new policies, above all meant for anybody involved in property or land development, estate planning, home improvement, also good turnover sizeable income profits made possible for those willing to work smarter rather than harder. Relating to one’s own money genie in the Kabbalistic sephiroth of Jupiterian Chesed and Venusian Netzach which are important sephiroth for money manifestation techniques being wellsprings from whence money gushes through pathways of familiarity, generosity, and abundance allowing for wealth bestowed from the Source of all internal happiness which is then projected outward and downward into the world of Assiah containing the throne of Malkah the Bride of the King manifesting His Kingdom into Malkuth that resides above the lower spirits responsible for granting desires for worldly opulence. Wizards and Wizardresses often invoke into the self or envoke into sacred circles or spaces the energies of the sephira of Binah where Saturnine frequencies allocate for accumulation and regulation of owning as well as managing properties. Excitement commences throughout zodiacal evolutions where combining Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz or Turquoise with Emerald unites Astrology Archangelic forces known to Adnakhiel and Asmodel beguiling investors in the course of even the most mundane work-a-day world considerations leading to extensive economic expansion. Sol transiting through natural Second House attributes provides a central sense of possessing one’s own being with an authentic self thus generating pleasing opportunity for one’s uniqueness, also for customers, clients, or investors. High-quality kismet is poured forth from the center of the adept’s God-self bestowed from within the Monad seeing that self and not-self are actually the same thing allowing flow in all directions conducted by her or his personal Holy Guardian Angel. Illumination is produced from self-awareness establishing a method of Money Magick in line with one’s own vision of preferable self expression done for the good of all. Worry about money begets negative thinking and despair causing even the very wealthy to feel poor.
Now watch this, let’s look at the Gospel According to Saint Matthew (DRB) 6:31-33 Be not solicitous therefore, saying, What shall we eat: or what shall we drink, or wherewith shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the heathens seek. For your Father knoweth that you have need of all these things. Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.
The Heart, Throat, and Solar Plexus Chakras are revitalized in cultured persons especially when tolerant atmospheres and upbringing are the norm with May’s gemstone providing a vast number of occasions for well meaning friends to network for business purposes.
Adnakhiel’s Health and Fitness Transmission:
Health found in the sephira of Jupiterian Chesed, bestowing blessings from the qualities of Merciful Father God has its meeting point in the harmonizing of the Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras corresponding to the sephiroth of Daath encompassing the neck and the organs thereof and Tiphereth which includes the Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras. Decisive comprehension of one’s own desires permits a directing of cellular function towards vibrant health rather than self punishment or self abasement. Keep in mind that with the sephira of Daath represented in the Throat Chakra enlivened during May, Divine Unsubstantial principles are changed into Divine Substantial traits making sure we are mindful of our behavior and thoughts because when you get to Judgment Day you will find that the face of the Great Celestial Evaluator, is your own face for no one else judges you in the final analysis offered up in Heavenly Court. Intentions find their place during May coming to life in the Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras. Magickal currents originate from the branch and the root of the Kabalistic Tree focusing upon what actually will make you happy based upon how your Soul was originally made before the creation of the world constructed by the Great Alchemist Jesus Christ.
We read in Jeremiah 1:5 (DRB) Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee, and made thee a prophet unto the nations.
Also in Psalm 22:10 (DRB) I was cast upon thee from the womb. From my mother’s womb thou art my God,
Riches for financial health become achievable when life force of the Holy Spirit is stored in the body through ancient ritual breathing exercises. Heart Chakra vortex centers are often over stimulated through romantic associations or striving for what the ego thinks it wants. Resist advances from suitors to achieve the highest celestial realms of existence remembering that God does not exist in this world for he has nothing to do with anything corporeal. Any God that can be persuaded either in your favor or against you is no God at all but in reality reflects your own inner ego demons. In the I Ching method of Chakra Healing this portion of the year is significant for Chakras of the Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus energy centers becoming especially attainable when balancing Second house attributes since May’s Zodiac Sign of Taurus’ ruling planet Venus which is concerned with the Chakras and organs of the throat, heart, and kidneys while the sign Taurus itself associates with the Throat and Solar Plexus Chakras to strengthen the entire light body and causal organisms expressed in ten Kabalistic sephirotic dimensions. Incorporation of the entire range of energetic frequencies of Yellow Sapphire or Yellow Topaz for Jupiter, Turquoise for Sagittarius and Emerald for Taurus brings enthusiasm during May causing you to become increasingly capable of accomplishing all the goals you have your sites set upon as well as all the goals you’ve been wishing for yourself, then being ready to make everyone’s dreams come true. New houses for you and your family, the exact automobiles you’ve always commented on wanting to own, businesses you’ve wanted to open and run to your very unique exacting proclivities, getting in on investment strategies only those with vastly deep pockets are able to afford, all becomes possible for you when natural Second House attributes of Money and Possessions are activated and accentuated using May’s gemstones as well as those corresponding to the planet Venus.
Your Throat, Heart, and lower Solar Plexus Chakras are considered to be of cosmic consequence throughout Second House solar transits for the function of establishing abundance in the 3D substantial world.
Astrocartographic arrangements currently as well as at birth must be revealed if a holistic style of unveiling one’s inner nature is truly desired.
Disclaimer: High Magick should be used with all mindfulness since powerful forces of manifestation are unleashed, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.

Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Perceive" or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “perceiving” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Sagittarius!
Thank you for joining us, please join us again!
Information found in this document is based on the “Oral Tradition” known as “Kabbalah” taught to me by Rosicrucian clergy when I was but a young girl the facts of which I have committed to memory.
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H. Imperatrix, Hierophantia The Hermetic Order of The Alchemical Flame H.O.A.F. 6=5. Praemonstratrix The Angels Of Light Fellowship Int’l. A.O.L.F.I. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2017 Pastor Rosemary
©2017 The Astrology Angel
©2017 Readings by Rosemary
©2017 Reality Matrix Technologies

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