Sunday, September 20, 2015

PISCES OCTOBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

PISCES OCTOBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick 

Pisces - The Fish
Archangel Gabriel
Zodiac Angel Amnitziel
This is for the sign of Pisces The Fish! Jupiter currently transits Direct through the sign of Virgo The Virgin influencing your Seventh House Pisces thereby assembling the personal laws you have made and your commitments into activities governed by rigorous computation. If you’re going to do something it will be scrutinized by your higher self so utilize all of the disciplines for which you have trained so well! Jupiter is not really feeling at home in the sign of Virgo due to the logical nature of mutable earth (remember you are mutable water). The tactics Pisces has designed for how to find your way through this transit will come up again in October. Virgo is the basics of life like eating your oatmeal in the morning. Jupiter will want to put honey and butter on the warm cereal. You understand.
Neptune is Retrograde in your sign during the entire month of October Pisces affecting your First House of self and appearances. This is a good time to remember that Neptune goes Direct next month on November 18th of 2015 (still in your sign Pisces) so your emotions about yourself will brighten at that time. Pisces should just enjoy languishing in your fantastical and dreamy inner realms, for now anyway.
Now let’s see how your ruling planets of Jupiter and Neptune affect you this month Pisces. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your WATER Guardian Archangel Gabriel speaks through too you from your Pisces Angel Amnitziel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Pisces Angel Amnitziel who resides over The Fishes’ Mutable Water and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Amnitziel’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon in Libra on the 12th of the month causes The Fish pandemonium in your relationships when it comes to getting family and love interests to spoil and celebrate you the way you think they should! The past is full of memories about significant others going out of their way for you but modern trends lean toward the self rather than others. They say that there is nothing new under the Sun but it seems that the solar disc shines upon the self more than upon others during October 2015. The good news is that this type of milieu is very comfortable for Pisces and you are quite happy to enjoy those who will coddle you instead of attempting to get those who are hung up on themselves to turn their attentions towards you. The Fish has no trouble going with the flow! Your mutable water aspects being the Water Angel of the Water Realm causes you to become more vulnerable to the tricks brought on by this month’s lunar lunacy. Other water signs may be less apt to be thrown for a loop when it comes to Pisces’ tendency to distance your emotions and yourself from the offending party when you are unsure, insecure, or hurt.
The Full Moon in Taurus The Bull on the 27th of October is a powerful influence upon Pisces for getting a superior understanding of what you truly desire when it comes to loyalty in romance with an additional need for appropriate and suitable living conditions that are at once elegant and secure. You may not have full certainty about exactly what it is you really want in romance or family/living circumstances during October 2015 because of Pisces’ mutable nature but the astrological pressures of God’s great clock this month will move The Fish in the proper direction towards long term goals that are in keeping with your values.
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Amnitziel‘s Money Transmission:
What will satisfy Pisces’ requirements for security and enhancement in the financial arena? More is needed when it comes to making money or selling at a profit this month! You will be sought after this month so use it to your advantage financially. Jupiter in Vigo affects your Seventh House this month Pisces so you will find yourself increasingly popular! Even the most intimate moments of your life may become public with these cosmological influences so make sure you keep your life dignified! You have a lot on your plate but this gives you the ability to have sway over the affairs of others. Again, remember to use any and all situations to your monetary advantage this month Pisces. Neptune Retrograde in your sign of Pisces this month will affect your First House this month in that you will have the power of suggestion over others giving you an almost “Svengali” ability to influence others to your way of thinking about how they should present themselves. Beware suggesting to others that they should take a dare when you are not willing to take that dare yourself especially when it comes to financial matters. You will be overly sensitive with this astrological transit so don’t take things to heart too much and understand that you are most likely oversensitive at this time.
Amnitziel’s Health Transmission:
With Jupiter in the sign of Virgo your health and the health of those you care for becomes the focus of your concern Pisces. You will fuss over the eating habits of yourself and others as well as making sure everyone is doing the things they should to stay healthy. Pisces will need to remember to take care of number one during October 2015! Organization of diet and exercise routines will be paramount! With Neptune Retrograde in Pisces and its sway over your First House you may feel you can actually affect the health of others and they you. Make sure you allow for the sovereignty of everyone you are involved with in your life at this time Pisces as well as your own autonomy. Your focus will be on the third chakra during October 2015 and the balancing of your chi or qi as Jupiter transits through Virgo. With Jupiter Direct a virtual cornucopia of health is granted through the merciful father attributes of the gaseous giant. Virgo affords your ruler of Jupiter a fresh environment, healthy food, and lots of opportunities balance and clear the third chakra which will be strengthening. Pay attention to the health of the liver especially with this current transit of Jupiter and remember to gently balance and strengthen the first and second chakras as well as the feet due to Neptune’s Retrograde transit through your sign.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
October 17, 2015 Mars in Virgo conjunct Jupiter in Virgo = The energy poured into perfectionism demanded of yourself as well as other people finds compatible expression in rewards attained due to applying skills honed.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Believe" or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “believing” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Pisces!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EDT 4:00 West:
New Moon 10.12.15; 08:06pm (19° Libra 20’)
Full Moon 10.27.15; 08:04am (03° Taurus 44’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 10.13.15; 00:06am (360°) Libra
Full Moon 10.27.15; 12:06pm (173°) Taurus
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

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