Friday, October 6, 2017

SAGITTARIUS Gemstone TURQUOISE with `Opal` October’s Birthstone Horoscope & Astrology Angels Alchemy

How Sagittarius Zodiac Gemstone Turquoise Interacts with OCTOBER BIRTHSTONE `Opal` Horoscope Astrology Angels Alchemy Course

Sagittarius, The Archer: Water Angel of Fire Realm

Psychic Astrology by Pastor Rosemary

In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Sagittarius - The Archer
Fire Archangel Michael
Zodiac Angel Adnakhiel

Creator of the Universe, God the Good loves you Sagittarius!
October is the month of the angelic frequencies of the gemstone Opal. Your birthstone is Turquoise Sagittarius, so what we need to do is see how these two gemstones resonate with each other.
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us! To contact me visit where we provide you with information on our spiritual consultations, psychic astrology, Rosicrucian kabbalah, as well as classes, and upcoming seminars!
October’s gemstone of Opal has the light emanations of the Astrology Archangel Zuriel and your Zodiac Sign birth gemstone of Turquoise has the properties of light bestowed by the Zodiac Archangel Adnakhiel.
Your ruling planet is Jupiter, Sagittarius. Topaz, Yellow Jade, Chrysoberyl, and Yellow Sapphire are the precious stones used to align one’s self with the energies of the Planetary Angel Zadkiel who is assigned to the planet Jupiter in Kabbalah also called Sachiel being Hesediel or Zadakiel since these names and resulting slightly varying angels corresponding to Jupiter apply attenuated levels of bestowal, compassion, wealth, and health so be mindful of your own intentions and potency when utilizing these powerful gemstones in unison with each other.
The planet Jupiter is associated in Kabbalah with the sephira of Chesed where we find the Planetary Archangel Zadakiel, Hesediel, or Sachiel.
Kabbalah teaches us that this sephira and Archangel Zadakiel is associated with both mercy and memory. Zadakiel is known as the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. He is sometimes identified as the “angel of the Lord” in Genesis Chapter 22:11-12 (DRB) And behold an angel of the Lord from heaven called to him, saying: Abraham, Abraham. And he answered: Here I am. And he said to him: Lay not thy hand upon the boy, neither do thou any thing to him: now I know that thou fearest God, and hast not spared thy only begotten son for my sake.
Jupiter is known as the attribute of GOD THE FATHER found in Isaiah 63:16 (DRB) For thou art our father, and Abraham hath not known us, and Israel hath been ignorant of us: thou, O Lord, art our father, our redeemer, from everlasting is thy name.
Your FIRE Guardian Archangel Michael speaks through too you from your Sagittarius Astrology Archangel Adnakhiel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Sagittarius Zodiac Angel Adnakhiel who resides over The Archer’s Mutable Fire and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Adnakhiel’s Love, Rapture, and Romance Transmission:
The blue angelic light frequencies of Adnakhiel combined with with heartening restorative remedies sparkling towards plush authentically compassionate inner and outer medicinal health giving elixirs emanate gemstone beams of light enchanting to the ogle from the gemstone of Opal thrilling your passionate desires through charming encouragement given forth from October’s Venusian Angelic realms in the journey of this birthstone’s plentiful as well as uplifting and gleaming qualities. Magickal energies of a mysterious permutation of Zodiac Angel Zuriel’s natural Seventh House attributes in addition to your own Sagittarius energies bestows to you an alluring nature glowing with anticipation towards seeing new dreams come to realization as well as enduring and more opportune portents in the remote less traveled paths ahead. “Stay on the path” chants the Bennu Bird “if you want to live!” Beware risky ventures during Venusian courting sessions. Incredible earnings from good deeds are the source of the traditional zodiac sign of Libra for the point of captivating awe-inspiring ways to perk up your relationships for heightened enlightenment being our cause of ascension for humanity now includes those who live above the firmament as well as those who live below the firmament.
Now watch this in Genesis 1:7 (WBT) And God made the firmament; and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
Expect an increasing commitment and a sense of duty sparkling forth from a peculiar hue of light that illuminates and beckons the spirit with great appetite for tonics healing to both spirit and matter obtained from a gem which shines attractive yet curative abilities for the owner of such a gemstone through lure of Venusian quality affected vortex centers of Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, and Solar Plexus Chakra attributes thus producing bountiful amounts of satisfaction throughout healing periods during knowledge and conversation of one’s Holy Guardian Angel yielding achievement of upper planes of existence allowed through use of higher sensory organs and smaller though more ascended organelles during  several ultradimensional and interdimensional communications made convincing through complementary associations within obscure references too oft thought uncoupled Venusian lung and respiratory factors beholding to the Humor of Flegm.
Now follow this, “Its receptacle is the lungs, and is governed by Venus, some say by the Moon, perhaps it may be governed by them both, it is cold and moist in quality.” [Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, 1643, p.300]
Nevertheless it is the kidneys that Venus rules over and lumbar portions of the spine. Throat Chakra Thyroid Gland attributes and as well as High Heart Thymus Gland or Upper Solar Plexus Chakra Adrenal Gland and Lower Solar Plexus Pancreas functions and awareness. Willpower through Throat Chakra self-determination vigor through intelligence and Upper and Lower Solar Plexus qualities of Ego health activates Sephiroth of Mercurial potency within Hod, Tiphereth, and the invisible Daath thus explaining how to obtain and identify one’s Lunar power of Yesode, for the accomplishment of activating Venusian beauty and desire in Netzach, calling upon one’s passion found in Martial Geburah which will then offer sources of sephirotic magickal currents of charm for Love Magick which is effective when influence through Venusian qualities of desire and emotive expressions of love, in heartfelt ways as well as sexuality for fruitful production of progeny found in Goddesses or Gods of beauty cults such as cosmetic companies and fertility cults such as modern medical fertility clinics as well as Seventh House attributes of law and commitment being those who both heal and poison such as therapeutic or toxic dosages of medicines corresponding to the sephira of Netzach named classically as Greek Goddess Aphrodite, Roman Goddess Venus, Egyptian Goddess Bastet, Planetary Archangel Anael invoke or envoke powerful magical currents when these are included in performance of ritual ceremonial magick. Apostle Jude-Thaddeus is associated with the symbol of a “Lance” according to a wonderfully sublime book entitled, “THE OCCULT CHRIST” “Angelic Mysteries” “Seasonal Rituals + The Divine Feminine” by author Ted Andrews. This book also states that Apostle Jude-Thaddeus represents, “All who live life courageously” and the “Cosmic principal…” of “Construction” through “Courage” associated with “The Degree of Apprenticeship” along with James the Just, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.
Adnakhiel‘s Money and Wealth Transmission:
Love of Creator God and constant prayer through desire for what God offers continually through Holy Guardian Angel messages as well as a luxurious comprehension of the Tree of sublime Knowledge of Good and Evil is the commandment of demigods when The Sun unites forces with Venus while transiting through Planetary Angel Anael’s Venusian angelic realm as well as Zodiac Angel Zuriel’s dwelling filling the heart with compassionate yearnings. Fixer-upper homes or turnkey businesses give ample good fortune become available to rejuvenate any economic position from which one may want to gain profit. Banking institutions and businesses increase business through practices which help their customers through attending to desires of those with whom they do business tending to financial law and commitment to each investor when Sol transits through natural Seventh House frequencies where Planetary Archangel of Venus Anael and Zodiac Angel of Libra Zuriel oversee activity bringing desire for better circumstances and ascension fulfilling dreams and longings through sacred knowledge of the workings of God’s great Universe.
Now is the time for paying attention to one’s own laws that your soul set in place for you from before creation as well as strengthening commitments to priority relationships and goals. Managerial professions as well as any avocation dealing with legal or organizational knowledge  prove valuable during natural Seventh House considerations of the natural Zodiac House of Libra The Scales with enchanting Venusian allure causing one capability towards evoking great outcomes from treasure chests of Angelic Realms keeping everyone well taken care of  grating peace of mind. Connecting to one’s own personal money sprite in the Kabbalistic sephiroth of Jupiterian Chesed and Venusian Netzach which are important sephiroth for income creation and money magick techniques being abundant sources of money from where economic vitality sustained through great organizational skills and sticking to one’s own rules. Everyone’s infamous favorite 1% resides in the world of Assiah having the throne of Malkah the Bride of the King creating His Kingdom in Malkuth begotten from excellent craftsmanship of beings inhabiting the 99% of reality given that good opportunities gotten through well made magickal talismans and amulets made with loving hands able to contact friendly and good beings brought to earth through etheric plane understandings resulting from focus on earthly talents dealing well with friendly magickal elementals upon which all magicians and adepts must rely.

Wizards and Wizardresses often invoke into their being or envoke into fashioned sacred spaces or magickal circles the energies of the sephira of Binah where Saturnine intelligences, angels, and divine names are assigned in Kabbalah to characteristics such as hermetically sealing great power which when released then manifests wondrous modes of increasing opportunities for healing one’s finances or keeping already gotten finances in tip-top condition. Attention to details of law, sustained commitment to God, family and friends wins at the end of the day especially when astrological progressions call for combining Chrysoberyl or Turquoise with Opal uniting Astrology Archangelic forces known to Adnakhiel and Zuriel which lures in customers and clients through mystery, scent, sight, and sound alluring to the senses. Powerful magnetism in the theatres of corporate law, international law, business and tax law sustains a great reward yet extracts an often greater price from those who seek to control others. Our magickal order likes to quip, “Control yourself lest others control you!”
Now watch this, let’s look at Romans 13:8 (WBT) Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
The Throat Chakra, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras are invigorated, absorbed in lustrous gentle Opal light, and harmonized during this time chiefly when good economic health inspires delicious environments and pioneering spirits through October’s gemstone bestowing a frequency of comfort and an ample portion of monetary opportunities through which one may prosper!
Adnakhiel’s Health and Fitness Transmission:
Health disciplines prove fruitful because of increased zest for life from Venusian aspects unleashed during October’s hosting of Sol. Contentment is your trophy knowing and using ancient sciences such as alchemy along with magickal gemstone array strategies made with loving kindness in the hands of enticingly rich artisans. While the Sun transits through natural Seventh House attributes of law and commitment during October help and compassion will be given, things will be easily resolved during distinctive astrological confluence arrays of planets, moons, and stars due to balancing of Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras. Throat or Fifth Chakra is analogous to invisible sephira of Daath involving the Thyroid Gland through expression of personal resolve through determined powerful tone with added equanimity of Christ’s humility and submission to Father God Creator. Ruach or Holy Spirit filled speech is how healing is achieved. Forth or Heart Chakra secreting healthful hormones such as Thymosin from Thymus Gland structures gives immune system good function. Improvement in health through fortification of one’s immune system is accomplished through frequent and extended practice of Tibetan Rites found in this book entitled, “ANCIENT SECRET OF THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH” by Peter Kelder. This important work has two volumes and is worth mentioning again and again. This work describes regaining youth using an ancient Tibetan system of Yoga called “The Six Tibetan Rites” of which only five are well known due to extreme austerity necessary in keeping a heretofore veiled potent sixth rite discipline esoteric. Such practices keep one’s energetic meridian system in sublime healthful state thus rejuvenating health! Upper and Lower Solar Plexus ductless glands include the Adrenals and the Pancreas which are also strengthened and revitalized using Tibetan yoga rites. All are stimulated when Sol transits natural Seventh House frequencies. Where Throat Chakra enlivens one’s sephirotic vortex center of Daath or Knowledge, High Heart as well as Upper and Lower Solar Plexus Chakra activation happens during this progression that involves the sephira of Tiphereth which encompasses the soul of the Heart, and ego of the Solar Plexus Chakras. Fundamental awareness of one’s true will leads to good adherence to biological law giving rise to well-organized and accurate cellular task functioning towards vital health. A wonderful comforting, balancing, and therapeutic focus occur during October when one impresses one’s personal morphogenic field with an objective towards healing brought into reality through holding firmly to universal laws.
Follow this in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NHEB) Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body.
Harmonized routines is an important attribute during October, In the I Ching method of Chakra Healing this portion of the year is significant for healing of the organs of the throat, chest, and lumbar spine, kidneys, as well as the ductless glands already mentioned while cleansing, soothing, and harmonizing natural Seventh House qualities being that October’s Zodiac Sign of Libra’s ruling planet Venus which is concerned with Archangel Anael blessing ten Kabalistic sephirotic dimensions plus bringing new awareness of seventh sephira of Netzach function harnessing dimensions of desire, comfort, healing, remedies, curative formulations, as well as conversely toxic preparations or tinctures congruent with selfish portions of one’s ego when one over indulges. Incorporation of the entire range of energetic frequencies of Chrysoberyl for Jupiter, Turquoise for Sagittarius and Opal for Libra brings law and commitment disciplines during October causing you to become even more able to reach your desires of being alluring to others. People will be lured in by your mysterious behavior and peek-a-boo nature during this astrological transit bringing lighthearted fun and fresh opportunities, lucky environments, as well as conjured up treasures from love of magick as well as your appetite for ritual ceremonial formulae when natural Seventh House attributes of law and commitment is accentuated using October’s gemstones as well as those corresponding to the planet Venus.
Your Throat, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras are calculated to be of vast import throughout natural Seventh House solar transits for the function of establishing rich treasures in heaven leading to establishment of Christ’s Kingdom here on earth transfiguring our earthly bodies into our glorified bodies in Christ Jesus. Christ demonstrated his body of light in Matthew 17:2 (WBT) And he was transfigured before them: and his face shone as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.
Astrocartographic arrangements currently as well as at birth must be revealed if a holistic style of unveiling one’s inner nature is truly desired.
Disclaimer: High Magick should be used with all mindfulness since powerful forces of manifestation are unleashed, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.

Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Perceive" or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “perceiving” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Sagittarius!
Thank you for joining us, please join us again!
Information found in this document is based on the “Oral Tradition” known as “Kabbalah” taught to me by Rosicrucian clergy when I was but a young girl the facts of which I have committed to memory.
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H. Imperatrix, Hierophantia The Hermetic Order of The Alchemical Flame H.O.A.F. 6=5. Praemonstratrix The Angels Of Light Fellowship Int’l. A.O.L.F.I. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2017 Pastor Rosemary
©2017 The Astrology Angel
©2017 Readings by Rosemary
©2017 Reality Matrix Technologies

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