Tuesday, February 28, 2017

GEMINI Gemstone PEARL with `Aquamarine` March’s Birthstone Horoscope & Astrology Angels Alchemy

How Gemini Zodiac Gemstone Pearl Interacts with MARCH BIRTHSTONE `Aquamarine` Horoscope Astrology Angels Alchemy Course

Gemini, The Twins: Water Angel of Air Realm

Psychic Astrology by Pastor Rosemary

In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Gemini - The Twins
Air Archangel Raphael
Zodiac Angel Ambriel

This is for you Gemini!

March is the month of the angelic frequencies of the gemstone Aquamarine. Your birthstone is Pearl Gemini, so what we need to do is see how these two gemstones resonate with each other.

I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us! To contact me visit www.ReadingsByRosemary.com where we provide you with information on our spiritual consultations, psychic astrology, Rosicrucian kabbalah, as well as classes, and upcoming seminars!

March’s gemstone of Aquamarine has the light emanations of the Astrology Archangel Amnitziel and your Zodiac Sign gemstone of Pearl has the properties of light bestowed by the Zodiac Archangel Ambriel.
Stay right here as we give you the gemstones particular to your ruling planet of Mercury, Gemini! Emerald, Flourite, Moss Agate and Sodalite are the precious stones used to align one’s self with the energies of the Planetary Angel Raphael who is assigned to the planet Mercury in Kabbalah who is also the Archangel of the East ruling over the warm moist winds that originate from Easterly compass directions. He is the Divine Physician corresponding to the Greek God Hermes Trismegistus and the Egyptian God Thoth thereby being the Roman God Mercury applying logical justification as well as reason to his familiar levels of bestowal, healing, resourcefulness and ingenuity so be mindful of your own intentions and potency when utilizing these powerful gemstones in unison with each other.
The Planetary Angel Raphael is assigned to the planet Mercury in the Kabbalah. The ZOHAR states,
“The first day of the creation is the synthesis of all the other days, for as there is really no separate fractional moment in time, they only formed part of the whole. It is written, ‘God said let there be light’ meaning angelic beings who are emanations from the light on high that shines forth on the world below and were created on the first day and took up their position on the right hand of the Holy One. -ZOHAR
Moreover the book of ZOHAR exerts the following passage:
“The fact is that the angel Raphael, who is appointed to heal the earth of its evil and affliction and the maladies of mankind, was created on the second day.” -ZOHAR
Mercury is known as the attribute of GOD THE WINGED MESSENGER found in Acts 14:12 (DRB) And they called Barnabas, Jupiter: but Paul, Mercury; because he was chief speaker.
Your AIR Guardian Archangel Raphael speaks through too you from your Gemini Astrology Archangel Ambriel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Gemini Zodiac Angel Ambriel who resides over The Twins’ Mutable Air and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Ambriel’s Love, Rapture, and Romance Transmission:
The orange angelic light frequencies of Ambriel combined with exhilarating healing oscillations emanating from freshly relaxing vibratory pulses from the gemstone of Aquamarine invigorates your romantic relationships due to provisions made by Divine Providence through this birthstone’s privileged spiritual inheritance.  Enjoyment of a precise permutation of Zodiac Angel Amnitziel’s natural Twelfth House attributes in addition to your own Gemini energies bestows to you overflowing quantities of heartfelt personal associations with the traditional zodiac sign of Pisces because of the enchanting cool and subtle light beams that sparkle forth from a gem which reserves delightful experience for the holder of such a gemstone through a refreshment of the Heart Chakra, thus causing great delight in physicality via inter dimensional communication made possible through harmonizing within the Third Eye, Crown, and Sacral Chakras.
Ambriel’s Money and Wealth Transmission:
Finances show overflowing abundance for those who spend time getting to know economic principles as well as how to woo Money’s fickle Spirit into a well prepared lair. “That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below” as is stated in the great alchemical work “The Emerald Tablet” attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Connecting one’s God-self to receiving monies becomes ever more fun and adventurous while remaining dignified during an astrological progression where combining Gemini’s Pearl birthstone with your ruling planet Mercury’s Emerald Gemstone added to March’s Aquamarine gem unites Astrology Archangelic forces known to Ambriel and Amnitziel reviving businesses great and small with an exuberant force of willpower to allow for spiritual development of your very soul destined for prominence in the world to come. Experiential divine illumination is projected from within the soul-self then being reflected back towards any individual monad based upon purpose, intent, as well as attitude. The Sacral, Crown, and Third Eye Chakras are reinvigorated in celestial surroundings with March’s gemstone expecting you to endow boundless opportunity to a world fettered by unnecessary self restriction. In this way you provide immeasurably pleasant experiences for yourself and others as well.
Ambriel’s Health and Fitness Transmission:
Health centers on complementing upper Supernal realms such as Crown and Third Eye Chakras through objectively manifesting situations via Sacral Chakra vortex assertions from divine principle towards physicality ascending up into more fruitful dimensions which through well applied Chakra healing techniques are able to be timeless while concurrently substantial. Kabalistic assertions stating that “Kether in Malkuth and Malkuth is in Kether” find a place via Twelfth house attributes since March’s Zodiac Sign of Pisces’ ruling planets are concerned with both the feet and the head due to correspondences with Jupiter and Neptune respectively remembering that Jupiter associates with the Sacral Chakra to stabilize the entire energetic organism expressed in ten Kabalistic sephirotic dimensions. You will find the energetic frequencies of Gemini’s Pearl or your ruling planet Mercury’s gemstone of Emerald (sodalite or flourite may also be used) added to March’s Aquamarine gem motivating during March causing you to feel more able to accomplish all the things you set your mind to especially when it comes to the areas of mind, body, and soul healthfulness. Your Sacral Chakra is considered to be all important during Twelfth House sojourns for the principle of establishing fulcrums towards leveraging what is often thought to be hypocritical in attempts to express myriads of anxiety provoking ascending lifestyles mixed in with outrageously passionate almost degrading lifestyles. In other words aspirations for being “real” might at times appear to conflict with ambitions for a soul’s recognition of its own personal Godhood.
Astrocartographic arrangements currently as well as at birth must be revealed if a holistic style of unveiling one’s inner nature is truly desired.
Disclaimer: High Magick should be used with all mindfulness since powerful forces of manifestation are unleashed, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes. 

Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Think” or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “thinking” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Gemini!
Thank you for joining us, please join us again!

by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H. Imperatrix, Hierophantia The Hermetic Order of The Alchemical Flame H.O.A.F. 6=5. Praemonstratrix The Angels Of Light Fellowship Int’l. A.O.L.F.I. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2017 Pastor Rosemary
©2017 The Astrology Angel
©2017 Readings by Rosemary
©2017 Reality Matrix Technologies

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