Thursday, October 22, 2015

GEMINI NOVEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

GEMINI NOVEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Gemini - The Twins
Air Archangel Raphael
Zodiac Angel Ambriel

Let’s talk turkey Gemini! This is for the sign of Gemini The Twins!
Mercury is Direct in Libra affecting your Fifth House of children and creative projects until the 2nd of November when the Winged Messenger is poised to ingress the sign of Scorpio having sway over your Sixth House of habits and health regimens Gemini. The 20th of November sees the ingress of Mercury into the sign of Sagittarius which will influence your Seventh House of law and commitment. Mercury remains Direct all month long therefore any miscommunication problems are more easily cleared up this Thanksgiving season!
Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Mercury affects you this month Gemini. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your AIR Guardian Archangel Raphael speaks through too you from your Gemini Angel Ambriel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Gemini Angel Ambriel who resides over The Twins’ Mutable Air and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Ambriel’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon is on the 11th of November in the sign of Scorpio. This occurrence affects your Sixth House of disciplines and health routines. This new moon will cause you to keep your personal schedule secretive while you focus on self healing and introspection. Thus your romantic interests could fall by the wayside and your family could feel cut out of the loop during this particular lunar phase. In reality your family, friends, spouse, and loved ones want you to focus on your own persoanl therepeautic routines.
The Full Moon is on the 25th of November in your sign of Gemini The Twins. This happening influences your First House of self and how you appear to others.  The bright moon in your sign has the affect of causing you to overthink your emotional situations as well as a personal illumination about your own motives in love, romance, and friendship.
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Ambriel’s Money Transmission:
Making money from marketing pandering to both kids and the creative projects of adults gives way to financial gain generated from Mercury’s ingress into the sign of Scorpio on the 2nd of November which brings in the dough from sales techniques aimed at the fitness and health industries Gemini. After the 20th of the month Mercury ingress Sagittarius allows Gemini economic advancement in more long term projects that require obligation. Mercury is Direct this month and so should you be when it comes to your money! If Gemini feels misunderstood or your communication has been remiss then this is the time The Twins should take advantage of and begin to clear things up with people who you might have difficult relationships with because again, business and money is about relationships and relationships are about communication.
Ambriel’s Health Transmission:
Gemini does well to balance the First Chakra from the 2nd of the month of November until the 19th of the month with focus on balancing and healing of the reproductive system and the organs of the lower abdomen. Beware STD’s this month since the astrological events could make Gemini susceptible to such infections. Mercury Direct will help communication between the systems of the body making healing easier. From the 20th of the month on Gemini’s healing should center upon the entire Second Chakra and the hips. Beware sciatica, bruises, and sprains during the month of November.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
November 24 (EST), November 25 (GMT), 2015 Mercury (D) in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn (D) in Sagittarius = You will be perceived as being both direct and congruent with your desires and your follow through will be greatly appreciated.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Think” or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “thinking” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Gemini!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EST 5:00 West:
New Moon 11.11.15; 12:47pm (19° Scorpio 00’)
Full Moon 11.25.15; 05:44pm (03° Gemini 20’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 11.11.15; 05:49pm (352°) Scorpio
Full Moon 11.25.15; 10:45pm (167°) Gemini
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

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