Monday, August 10, 2015

ARIES SEPTEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

ARIES SEPTEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Aries - The Ram
Archangel Michael
Zodiac Angel Melchidael 

Hello Aries! BLOOD MOON ALERT! Happy Autumn Equinox on the 23rd of September! We have a very big month ahead with a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 13th of the month (New Moon) in Virgo and a Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries on the 27th of September (Full Moon) giving us our 4th Blood Moon in the tetrad!

The Solar Eclipse in Virgo on September 13 influences your (6th House) of sudden upheavals in daily routines or health regimens Aries.

The Lunar Eclipse in Aries on September 27 influences your (1st House) of firm independence and change in outer appearances Aries.
Mars transits Direct through the sign of Leo The Lion to ingress Virgo The Virgin on the 24th of September.
Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Mars affects you this month Aries. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your FIRE Guardian Archangel Michael speaks through too you from your Aries Angel Melchidael.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Aries Angel Melchidael who resides over The Ram’s Cardinal Fire and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Melchidael’s Love Transmission: Mars transiting Direct in Leo until the Equinox causes your heart to fill up with the blood of anticipation releasing the sympathetic nervous system’s desire to either run, or charge forward to fight your battles with the strength and vitality of “The Planets – ‘Mars, the Bringer of War’ ” by Gustav Holst. Mars is bent on winning considering itself the head and not the tail. You firmly expect to win the admiration of your true love and crush your adversaries mightily beneath your feet then scattering them to the winds. You are focused on your romantic goals and know exactly what and who you want! In September all your plans for love, romance and family come to fruition but with an enormous surge forward that utilizes all your strengths and amazingly enough, all of your weaknesses. Everything you have deep within yourself down into your very soul, can and must be used for your benefit in September if you are going to surge ahead of those you deem a danger to your romantic, friendship, or family status. Your powers of concentration will increase. After the 24th of September Mars ingress Virgo your willpower becomes more refined and more precise. This goes for your powers of concentration as well; moreover you will hone any remote influencing (aka prayer or magickal) abilities after Mars enters the sign of Virgo The Virgin. Beware striving for so much perfection in your relationships that you disallow them to even exist! (Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Melchidael’s Money Transmission: Finances may be frustrating the first week of September but that will begin to ease up beginning the 2nd week. Expect to burst at the seams with power and energy when it comes to your career or job promotion plans after the 8th when The Ram will agree with yourself more! You will want to find ever smarter and at once robust ways to outsmart those who use petty laws to siphon off your hard earned cash Aries! September is a good month to remember the cliché that states, “When there is blood in the streets, buy property,” especially after the 25th of September! Aries is great at seeing the positive in every situation and how each event can be brought to an understanding for the sake of what is a benevolent outcome.
Melchidael’s Health Transmission: The first 3 weeks of the month may be over stimulating for the 4th chakra, the heart, spine, and circulatory systems. You may experience high blood pressure, heart valve anomalies, over thickening of the heart muscle, fluid around the heart, or various expressions of Cardiomegaly. The caveat here is to avoid tendencies to become enraged in feelings of superiority and the concurrent necessity to force others to comply with your version of perfection. Where The Warrior archetype is in effect before the Equinox, The Martyr archetype will present itself to you after the day of God’s great balancing of the Night and Day. The last part of September will cause Aries to want things to go your way and if they don’t you may encounter some humble pie. Just don’t let any fear of imperfection get you upset, you may not want to get into the group with the cool kids, but they think you are very cool indeed and want you on their team! Nevertheless with Mars entering Virgo on the 24th of the month, you will need to take care of yourself and your inner emotional needs more.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
September 1, 2015 Venus Rx in Leo conjunct Mars in Leo = Angry breakups may ensue due to feelings of abandonment to important work or projects.
Chakra work and healing can be dangerous so always be sure to check with your licensed Naturopathic Physician, Homeopathic Physician, Allopathic Physician, Acupuncturist, or Chiropractor if you have questions about your health.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Am" or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “becoming” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Aries!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for (EDT 04:00 West) and (00:00 GMT) respectively:
EDT 04:00 West – Eastern Time:
New Moon 9.13.15; 02:42am (20° Virgo 10’) (PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE)
Full Moon 9.27.15; 10:50pm (04° Aries 40’) (TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE) (BLOOD MOON)
00:00 GMT – London Time GMT:
New Moon 9.13.15; 06:42am (357°) Virgo (PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE)
Full Moon 9.28.15; 02:52am (178°) Aries (TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE) (BLOOD MOON)
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

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