Wednesday, April 22, 2015

VIRGO MAY 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

VIRGO MAY 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Virgo - The Virgin
Archangel Uriel
Zodiac Angel Hamaliel

Hello Virgo! Mercury transits Retrograde on the 19th of May! Mercury is conjunct Mars on the 27th and trine Ceres on the 30th of the month so there’s lots of hope for future prosperity and luck! Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Mercury affects you this month Virgo! I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Virgo Angel Hamaliel who resides over The Virgin’s Mutable Earth and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Hamaliel’s Love Transmission: Your Guardian Archangel Uriel speaks through too you from your Virgo Angel Hamaliel. Mercury’s ingress into Gemini’s aspect on May 1st grants The Virgin amazingly imaginative and ever brighter ideas about relationships be they romantic, friendship, or familial. The Full Moon happening on the 3rd of May at 13° Scorpio 22’ (00:00 GMT) will create cravings to go-for-the-gusto, giving it all you’ve got allowing your dreams to ascend to the heights once again! Mercury opposing Saturn concurrently on the 3rd of May and with Saturn now transiting Retrograde in Sagittarius, there may appear to be acquaintances, family, or romantic interests from bygone days trying to reach you and establish a connection once again! May 6th shows off a Mercury trine Ceres facet that precipitates an alliance with the Maternal branch of the genetic tree causing Virgo to feel secure and loved. Don’t forget May 10th is Mother’s Day! Pay close attention to the Mars ingress into Gemini on the 12th and Sun ingress Gemini on the 21st both forming obsessive patterns that could lead to fighting with those you love the most but if handled correctly, these facets can give rise to vast achievements in the poignant relationships of The Virgin’s life! The New Moon in Taurus on the 17th of May places the “haves” into an even more unimportant role in respect to romantic relationships freeing the “have-not’s” to flourish enabling their advantage of power over those they wish to impress in emotional issues with friends, family, or love interests. Mercury’s Retrograde journey through Gemini after the 18th focuses the thoughts of The Virgin back to sentimental bygone days. Sun conjunct Mercury on the 30th exacerbates Sol’s transit in Gemini after the 21st of May.
Hamaliel’s Money Transmission: Mercury opposing Saturn on the 3rd draws a red line with conflicting interests overtaking The Virgin’s stance against individuals who counsel that one should value constancy over creative expression or even stored-up riches over personal goals set towards pleasure in ones work environment. Mercury trine Ceres on the 6th of May exposes folks who are too weak willed to conjure a way to create substantial income and sends them scurrying back to their Mom for help. Mercury square Neptune on the 9th looks for a career or economic power in bizarre or long since past theatres. Mars’ and Sol’s ingress into Gemini on the 12th and the 21st correspondingly will insert a spoonful of much needed determination and power to the blend of activities assisting Virgo to accomplish much economically. Mercury square Neptune on the 29th of the month astounds Virgo with bright new prospects and offerings The Virgin never imagined would come your way! The affluence of the Heavenly Mother continues to assist and collaborate with Virgo on the 30th Sun conjunct Mercury and since Mercury is Retrograde in Gemini after the 18th of May, old habits involving the Maternal side of the family may be the outcome. Virgo is very giving when it comes to Mother and this personality facet will reward The Virgin handsomely!
Hamaliel’s Health Transmission: Mercury’s ingress into Gemini on May 1st props up The Virgin for very ingenious ideas that are fantastic for resourceful solutions to many-a-puzzle, albeit may cause some disapproving thoughts after the Winged Messenger begins its Retrograde voyage through Gemini on the 19th of May. Because the majority of all sickness is in fact emotional at its cause, this month’s aspects and transits could lead to respiratory and/or digestive organ weaknesses causing Virgos sensitive to viruses or with allergies to succumb to infection. This can be avoided by The Virgin if you simply take the time to strengthen your immune system in May! Mercury trine Ceres on the 6th is a great day for female Virgos to heal troubles with their reproductive or glandular organs. Mars’ ingress into Gemini on the 12th energizes but can overheat the mind or create too much yang chi in the respiratory or digestive systems. The Sun’s ingress Gemini on the 21st adds yang chi also, but again, this proves to be of a gentler and more concordant character. The adding of yin treatments or foods to balance chi will help Virgo greatly this month! See a Naturopath, Homeopath, or Acupuncturist if these aspects become bothersome in May. Mercury trine Ceres and the Sun conjunct Mercury facets on the 30th affords plenty of opportunity for a healing of the heart, lungs, digestive, and reproductive organs.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Analyze” or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “analyzing” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Virgo!
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

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