Thursday, October 22, 2015

VIRGO NOVEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

VIRGO NOVEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary 
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Virgo - The Virgin
Earth Archangel Uriel
Zodiac Angel Hamaliel
Let’s talk turkey Virgo! This is for the sign of Virgo The Virgin!
Heads up Virgo! The North Node energies now move into your sign of The Virgin! This occurrence places strong focus on the most significant events, elevated, and high minded facets of your life. You will feel this influence from November 11, 2015 through till May 9, 2017 since the North Node energies will occupy your sign Virgo, for the better part of the next two years.

Mercury is Direct in Libra influencing your Second House of money and possessions with the light of intelligence until the 2nd of November at which time Mercury will ingress Scorpio then affecting your Third House of transportation and communication causing Virgo to want to keep your travel itinerary and important messaging private for the time being.
Mercury is Direct all month therefore it will be an auspicious time to sign on the dotted line or communicate with people in very direct manner to make sure your needs are being met.

Mercury is then set to ingress Sagittarius perceiving a dual nature in your Fourth House of home, kitchen and family on the 20th of November.

Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Mercury affects you this month Virgo! I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!

Your EARTH Guardian Archangel Uriel speaks through too you from your Virgo Angel Hamaliel.

This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Virgo Angel Hamaliel who resides over The Virgin’s Mutable Earth and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!

Hamaliel’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 11th of November affects your Seventh House of law and commitment instilling a desire to keep everything covert during this dark lunar phase. Keeping secrets allows for human dignity. There will be phases in the future just as there have been occurrences in the past that encourage the great apocalypse meaning the great revelation of such clandestine behavior nevertheless all and everything is ultimately exposed by the light of the Creator. See this lunar event as a time to rest and heal from overexposure then when the next phase ensues you may indulge again in extravagant behavior. Your audience will cry out for Virgo to be more subtle one week only to scream for more outlandish behavior to cure their boredom the next. When you quizzically enquire as to what gives with the constant change in attitude towards you the answer will then be, “ewww, so two weeks ago!” Knowing what is going on in the heavens at least affords you a logical and understandable reason for even the most bizarre human behavior. Pets can be assessed with astrology as well as humans and we are experts in Psychic Astrology!

The Full Moon in Gemini on the 25th of November influences your Second House of money and possessions. This bright lunar phase increases Virgo’s brainstorming ability when it comes to what you can and will do to stir the romantic imagination. If Virgo has already found a spouse then brilliant ideas for family holiday vacations, gatherings, or decorations will be easy to imagine and manifest with Virgo’s talent for “do it yourself” and know how!
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Hamaliel’s Money Transmission:
Mercury is Direct in Libra bringing balance to your Second House of money and possessions until the 2nd of November at which time Mercury will ingress Scorpio having sway over your Third House of travel and messaging. Businesses or investments having to do with travel, communications, and most importantly the security and confidentiality of such top secret financial dealings are sure to thrive!
Mercury being Direct this month will be a good time to sign off on good financial deals, money markets, or business investments you know to be sound because you have done your homework.
Mercury ingresses Sagittarius on the 20th of November affecting your Fourth House increasing profits from the good investments you have made in your home and kitchen. Time well spent for family businesses pay off at this time. Better homes and businesses or products that increase enjoyment of the home, hearth, or family time will flourish with this cosmological event!  
Hamaliel’s Health Transmission:
Mercury Direct in Libra until the 2nd of November affects your kidneys, pancreas, and skin. Drinking proper amounts of fresh water will help cleanse the body of toxins at this time.
Mercury ingress Scorpio from the 2nd of November through the 19th of the month requires First Chakra balancing nevertheless beware paranoia and over thinking regarding sexual issues during this transit.
Mercury Direct all month will give you quick results for the great efforts you have put into your health routines and the new healthy habits Virgo has cultivated. Take a moment to take note of all you have accomplished and enjoy the moment.
Mercury’s ingress into Sagittarius on the 20th of November will focus you on how healthy you are as well as causing you to take an assessment of the health of those you care about. You will want to focus on balancing and healing the peripheral nerves of the lower extremities and hips thus curing any symptoms of sciatica that may be present in yourself or others.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
November 24 (EST), November 25 (GMT), 2015 Mercury (D) in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn (D) in Sagittarius = Your famous open honesty will cause others to take you very seriously and seek you out for your precision, skill, and know how.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Analyze” or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “analyzing” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Virgo!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EST 5:00 West:
New Moon 11.11.15; 12:47pm (19° Scorpio 00’)
Full Moon 11.25.15; 05:44pm (03° Gemini 20’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 11.11.15; 05:49pm (352°) Scorpio
Full Moon 11.25.15; 10:45pm (167°) Gemini
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

TAURUS NOVEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

TAURUS NOVEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Taurus - The Bull
Earth Archangel Uriel
Zodiac Angel Asmodel

Let’s talk turkey Taurus! This is for the sign of Taurus The Bull!
Venus travels Direct through the sign of Virgo The Virgin until the 7th of November in your Fifth House of children and creative projects making for make-over’s just in time for the holiday season! Taurus will want everything just so when it comes to party arrangements, gatherings, and fashion! Just remember to not get carried away Taurus.
Venus will ingress the sign of Libra The Scales on the 8th of November still in a Direct transit in The Bull’s Sixth House of health and personal routines or your own daily regimens and since Venus is a ruler of Libra as well as you Taurus, this will create harmony for you and yours especially when it comes to the scales of justice in November! This cosmological event will be a perfect setup for balancing out relationships with others that you may feel have wronged you or vice versa. The Bull needs to hang in there to claim the brass ring and in November your patience will pay off if you play your cards right.
Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Venus affects you this month Taurus! I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your EARTH Guardian Archangel Uriel speaks through too you from your Taurus Angel Asmodel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Taurus Angel Asmodel who resides over The Bull’s Fixed Earth and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Asmodel’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 11th of November affects your Seventh House of law and commitment. This cosmological event makes for secretive laws passed for the purpose of assisting those for whom the bulk of attention, money, and treats are ear marked! What is legal when it comes to matters of love be it family or spousal is kept in the darkest of secret places during November’s hidden lunar phase. Attempts to find out what exactly is going on will ensue when the moon again begins to wax.
The Full Moon in Gemini on the 25th of November influences your Second House of money and possessions. This follows the Dark Moon in Scorpio especially strongly with probable over thinking and overly creative ideations about the complexity of laws pertaining to marriage. Luckily, the good humor of the Gemini facet will sooth apprehensively raw nerves when it comes to the nuts and bolts of the laws that govern family.
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Asmodel’s Money Transmission:
Don’t take any wooden nickels Taurus and remember that most individuals except for us few lucky ones at the top are just hanging on by the skin of their teeth keeping their nose to the grindstone! November’s transits will enlighten you about how you should doll out cash to those who depend on you   when it comes to your money market considerations during November this year.
Venus traveling Direct through the sign of Virgo until the 7th of the month makes for astounding new developments in the global markets in general affecting your Fifth House of children and their creative projects as well as yours. For more pinpointed infotainment contact us via to get the scoop just in time for the bulk of the best holiday season deals! Taurus continues to want life to be picture perfect especially in the area of finances and business. Just remember that the person who said that money was the root of all evil didn’t have any, or so the story goes. In actuality the progenitors of the scriptures were rich left wing bleeding heart liberals who were bent on giving away their fortune to the less fortunate. The rest is recognizable history to say the least!
Matthew 19:21 (DRB) Jesus saith to him: If you wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come follow me.
Of course, many Christians with “respectable sins” pretend that this commandment of Jesus Christ to his followers is simply not in the Bible. It’s strikingly amazing isn’t it, how this stern rebuke of Christ to those who profess to know him is ignored by the main body Christendom!
1 John 2:3 And by this we know that we have known him, if we keep his commandments.
Venus is set to ingress the sign of Libra on the 8th of November continuing in a Direct transit and this astrological event in your Sixth House of health and money habits creates balanced check books and harmonious accounting ciphers for The Bull in November.
Asmodel’s Health Transmission:
Venus in Virgo with a Direct sojourn for the first week necessitates working with your Third Chakra Taurus. With Venus affecting The Bull’s Fifth House at this time, your kids and their creative projects as well as your creative projects might cause some overtly perfectionist tendencies that will cause Taurus to tighten up in the muscles and organs of the Third Chakra and the ductless glands of the Adrenals and the Pancreas. Pay attention to the chi or qi flowing in the meridians that feed these organs with life force and beware blockages in said meridians.
Venus will ingress into the sign of Libra on the 8th of November traveling Direct which then affects your skin and hair via the health of your kidneys from the second week of November brought on by how the planet of beauty and love affects your Sixth House of daily personal routines and habits which will cause the body to relax and allow chi or qi to flow more easily thereby enlivening the entire Chakra and meridian systems.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
November 2 (EST), November 3 (GMT), 2015 Venus in Virgo conjunct Mars in Virgo = The games played betwixt women and men becomes a little friendlier.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Have” or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “having” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Taurus!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EST 5:00 West:
New Moon 11.11.15; 12:47pm (19° Scorpio 00’)
Full Moon 11.25.15; 05:44pm (03° Gemini 20’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 11.11.15; 05:49pm (352°) Scorpio
Full Moon 11.25.15; 10:45pm (167°) Gemini
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

CAPRICORN NOVEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

CAPRICORN NOVEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick

Capricorn - The Goat
Earth Archangel Uriel
Zodiac Angel Hanael

Let’s talk turkey Capricorn! This is for the sign of Capricorn The Goat!
Saturn continues a Direct journey through the sign of Sagittarius The Archer. This course of events continues to influence The Goat’s Twelfth House of keeping secrets and the spiritual nature of the consequences of duality which are being dissolved in the present Age of Aquarius we now find ourselves in to allow for a more expansive awareness. This is a time to make an intelligent peace with your own inner disciplinarian Capricorn and ease a bit of the control which could stifle your creativity!
Capricorn, Pluto remains Direct in your sign being The Goat, and affects your First House of how you initiate projects and events you wish to see manifest in your life as well as how you appear to others and how you present yourself to the world at large. Keep in mind that Pluto is not one of your ruling planets; nevertheless this Planet will refresh Capricorn this month because Pluto has recently been upgraded to a heavenly body seen as having both blue sky and water ice that just might suggest that there is another larger star or sun approaching our solar system, unless of course, that ship has already sailed! Perhaps one should follow Ecclesiastes 11:7 The light is sweet, and it is delightful for the eyes to see the sun.
Therefore, look up at the sky during sunrise and/or sunset to see if any such guest in our solar system or twin to our own Sun is yet visible to the naked eye.
Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Saturn affects you this month Capricorn. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your EARTH Guardian Archangel Uriel speaks through too you from your Capricorn Angel Hanael.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Capricorn Angel Hanael who resides over The Goat’s Cardinal Earth and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Hanael’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon is on the 11th of November in the sign of Scorpio. This occurrence affects your Eleventh House of cause and effect and the influence of technology on your romantic life, friendships, and family ties. How you theorize the weaving of your life by the proverbial “Fates” is seen by Capricorn this month as a type of understandable mechanism and once The Goat is cognizant of how this works, then you can set out to do all the things you have always wanted to do that is, if you can loosen the grip of micromanagement over circumstances and allow space, time, and purpose for the magical and the miraculous to manifest in your life! November is a month when we shall see technology and supernatural occurances battle for supremacy. Keep in mind that this is nothing but your right and left brain attempting to win the favor of the Pineal Gland.
The Full Moon is on the 25th of November in the sign of Gemini The Twins. This happening influences your Sixth House of how your work or businesss affects your emotional relationships. Your health is also influenced by this event in that you will push yourself towards improvement of your own personal routines and Capricorn should allow for health with the strong caveat being to not be too self critical for this will not serve The Goat in November!
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
 Hanael‘s Money Transmission:
The Goat’s finances are always secure as far as Capricorn’s relentless ability to manifest cash money. You are especially skilled at running businesses. Turn key business ventures suit Capricorn just fine in November! Pay close attention Capricorn because this is the point at which you can overcome your tendency to squander your hard earned monies on things that are addictive in some way. Anything can be an addiction be it work, exercise, food, or drink, any of these things can become so obsessive that you lose the ability to engage life on more enjoyable terms. Spending your money is something you will do in November setting up for early Christmas shopping well before the crowds of the deplorable “Black Friday” stampedes into which no sane person should ever become enticed. Shop for your Christmas presents now Capricorn and avoid the rush!
Hanael’s Health Transmission:
The New Moon in Scorpio on the 11th of the month and the Full Moon in Gemini on the 25th of November will set Capricorn up for possible obsession about the keeping of secrets. Over thinking and a tendency towards anti social behavior resulting in The Goat experiencing trouble with isolation might cause you to ruminate over various situations in your life. The best way to deal with these issues in a way that will sanction ultimate health in November is to simply focus on keeping a cool head when situations become tense thus allowing some projects to be left undone and placed on the shelf for they will be there tomorrow and you can prioritize this month. There is certainly no shortage of work for the self-motivated individual. November is a month to practice balancing of all the Chakras in preparation for the Christmas Holidays which is the Merriest Season of them all!
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
November 13, 2015 Venus in Libra sextile Saturn in Sagittarius = Comfortable albeit steadfast routines yield when necessary and prudent making for a profitable opportunity!
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Use" or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “utilizing” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Capricorn!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EST 5:00 West:
New Moon 11.11.15; 12:47pm (19° Scorpio 00’)
Full Moon 11.25.15; 05:44pm (03° Gemini 20’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 11.11.15; 05:49pm (352°) Scorpio
Full Moon 11.25.15; 10:45pm (167°) Gemini
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

GEMINI NOVEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

GEMINI NOVEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Gemini - The Twins
Air Archangel Raphael
Zodiac Angel Ambriel

Let’s talk turkey Gemini! This is for the sign of Gemini The Twins!
Mercury is Direct in Libra affecting your Fifth House of children and creative projects until the 2nd of November when the Winged Messenger is poised to ingress the sign of Scorpio having sway over your Sixth House of habits and health regimens Gemini. The 20th of November sees the ingress of Mercury into the sign of Sagittarius which will influence your Seventh House of law and commitment. Mercury remains Direct all month long therefore any miscommunication problems are more easily cleared up this Thanksgiving season!
Now let’s see how your ruling planet of Mercury affects you this month Gemini. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your AIR Guardian Archangel Raphael speaks through too you from your Gemini Angel Ambriel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Gemini Angel Ambriel who resides over The Twins’ Mutable Air and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Ambriel’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon is on the 11th of November in the sign of Scorpio. This occurrence affects your Sixth House of disciplines and health routines. This new moon will cause you to keep your personal schedule secretive while you focus on self healing and introspection. Thus your romantic interests could fall by the wayside and your family could feel cut out of the loop during this particular lunar phase. In reality your family, friends, spouse, and loved ones want you to focus on your own persoanl therepeautic routines.
The Full Moon is on the 25th of November in your sign of Gemini The Twins. This happening influences your First House of self and how you appear to others.  The bright moon in your sign has the affect of causing you to overthink your emotional situations as well as a personal illumination about your own motives in love, romance, and friendship.
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Ambriel’s Money Transmission:
Making money from marketing pandering to both kids and the creative projects of adults gives way to financial gain generated from Mercury’s ingress into the sign of Scorpio on the 2nd of November which brings in the dough from sales techniques aimed at the fitness and health industries Gemini. After the 20th of the month Mercury ingress Sagittarius allows Gemini economic advancement in more long term projects that require obligation. Mercury is Direct this month and so should you be when it comes to your money! If Gemini feels misunderstood or your communication has been remiss then this is the time The Twins should take advantage of and begin to clear things up with people who you might have difficult relationships with because again, business and money is about relationships and relationships are about communication.
Ambriel’s Health Transmission:
Gemini does well to balance the First Chakra from the 2nd of the month of November until the 19th of the month with focus on balancing and healing of the reproductive system and the organs of the lower abdomen. Beware STD’s this month since the astrological events could make Gemini susceptible to such infections. Mercury Direct will help communication between the systems of the body making healing easier. From the 20th of the month on Gemini’s healing should center upon the entire Second Chakra and the hips. Beware sciatica, bruises, and sprains during the month of November.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
November 24 (EST), November 25 (GMT), 2015 Mercury (D) in Sagittarius conjunct Saturn (D) in Sagittarius = You will be perceived as being both direct and congruent with your desires and your follow through will be greatly appreciated.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Think” or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “thinking” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Gemini!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EST 5:00 West:
New Moon 11.11.15; 12:47pm (19° Scorpio 00’)
Full Moon 11.25.15; 05:44pm (03° Gemini 20’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 11.11.15; 05:49pm (352°) Scorpio
Full Moon 11.25.15; 10:45pm (167°) Gemini
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.
©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies

AQUARIUS NOVEMBER 2015 Psychic Astrology `Pastor Rosemary

AQUARIUS NOVEMBER 2015 ~ Psychic Astrology
by Pastor Rosemary
In Cooperation with The Astrology Angel & Ansara Angel Magick
Aquarius - The Water Bearer
Air Archangel Raphael
 Zodiac Angel Cambriel

Let’s talk turkey Aquarius! This is for the sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer!
Saturn continues its Direct journey through the sign of Sagittarius and this continues to affect you in powerful ways Aquarius! Your Eleventh House is still affected and this is might still seem a bit confining in your friendships as you attempt to restrict your own relationships in favor of your reputation and how you are presented regarding your social class. Be warned here Aquarius because the elite are not going to be popular in the near future. See the good in the common man to gain a better foothold in life this month.
Uranus Retrograde in Aries continues to cause people to go for the more intense choices and your Third House is still affected by more serious conversations with your siblings and those neighbors with whom you share similar concerns for safety when it comes to your home and families.
Now let’s see how your ruling planets of Saturn and Uranus affect you this month Aquarius. I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel thank you for joining us!
Your AIR Guardian Archangel Raphael speaks through too you from your Aquarius Angel Cambriel.
This is an Angelic Horoscope Transmission from your Aquarius Angel Cambriel who resides over The Water Bearer’s Fixed Air and here are His messages for you in Love, Money, and Health!
Cambriel’s Love Transmission:
The New Moon is on the 11th of November in the sign of Scorpio. This occurrence affects your Tenth House of social standing and fame. This lunar phase causes Aquarius to hold back the more creative parts of your life in favor of your standing in socitey as well as your economic class. The point to remember here is the creativity brewing under the surface that if held back for too long might fester. Therefore, allow some expressions of your ingenuity this month even if it is only among close friends.
The Full Moon is on the 25th of November in the sign of Gemini The Twins. This happening influences your Fifth House of children and creativity. Your mind will be bright and your imagination will unfold when it comes to your kids or your creative projects. Brainstorming will help Aquarius to find the best ideas in November.
(Moon Ephemeris and Calendar information for EDT and GMT calculations inserted near end of page.)
Cambriel‘s Money Transmission:
Saturn’s Direct transit through the sign of Sagittarius influencing your Eleventh House will affect how your friends perceive of you and thus your reputation will be scrutinized this month. This will then obviously affect your money so you will want to watch it when it comes to believing in and acting upon gossip because it will not serve your wallet well to indulge in hearsay especially in November.
Uranus Retrograde in Aries still affects your Third House in November and will continue to peak interest in intense and serious conversations regarding issues with your neighbors and siblings especially when safety is the topic of conversation.
Cambriel’s Health Transmission:
Aquarius should focus on the Second Chakra, Sixth Chakra, and the Seventh Chakra this month since they will be powerfully influenced November’s current cosmological events. Headaches most likely due to influenza or colds could occur therefore the aforementioned Chakras should be strengthened and balanced. Beware headstrong behavior and learn the art and skill of principled negotiation to maintain ultimate health.
This Month’s Planetary Formula:
November 23, 2015 Venus in Libra opposing Uranus (Rx) in Aries = Those who want to go with the flow of life’s river draw a line in the sand against the principle of might makes right.
Disclaimer: High Magick can be dangerous, intended exclusively for entertainment purposes.
Remember to chant your Divine Tone of "I Know" or try out the higher aspect of simply meditating on the quality of “knowing” and be wise, be well, be all you are meant to be Aquarius!
Ephemeris Information; Calculations for Eastern and GMT respectively:
Eastern Time EST 5:00 West:
New Moon 11.11.15; 12:47pm (19° Scorpio 00’)
Full Moon 11.25.15; 05:44pm (03° Gemini 20’)
London Time 00:00 GMT:
New Moon 11.11.15; 05:49pm (352°) Scorpio
Full Moon 11.25.15; 10:45pm (167°) Gemini
Thank you for joining us and join us again next month!!!
I’m Pastor Rosemary, The Astrology Angel!
by Rosemary A. B. Harper G.H., Imperator H.O.A.F. 6=5, Praemonstratrix A.O.L. 6=5, Pr., R.N.

©2015 Pastor Rosemary
©2015 The Astrology Angel
©2015 Readings by Rosemary
©2015 Reality Matrix Technologies